image notebook with text my leadership journey

Your Leadership Journey

the de-facto standard
for all those who want to utilise their full potential

You’re a successful leader. You have created a clear vision, mission and values for your organisation or team, devised and implemented an impressive strategy initiative. You have figured out how to motivate people and give them a sense of direction. You have created structures for efficient and clear processes and you’ve understood how to optimise the system towards ever bigger gains.

You have nailed it ...

Now it is time to take the next step, because you understand that there is more to leadership.

Your Leadership Journey

Leadership is inherently a personal journey

We wholeheartedly agree with Frederic Laloux (author of "Reinventing Organisations"), who said:

An organisation cannot evolve beyond its leadership's stage of development.

Whether you're a leader in a traditional hierarchical setting or you're giving leadership impulses in a self-organised or entrepreneurial setting, the way that you show up at work, the person you are, determines how you use your leadership tools.

We cannot afford to focus on superficial development efforts, short-range goals and means-and-ends thinking. We cannot allow ourselves to be distracted by our myopic obsession with the efficiency of how and forget about the why. We have to learn to react from the core of our being instead of from prescribed, expected or recommended behaviour patters.

As leaders we have to support and teach our employees to make decisions that are in line with the organisation's purpose even if they do not follow the template. We have to demonstrate that we can put emotionally charged initiatives in place that can potentially affect a whole community.

True Vitality

One of the main challenges faced in traditional organisations is avoiding tension and paradox. We can, however, not afford to block out half of reality just because it does not fit our model.

True vitality, comes from the recognition and appreciative acceptance of polarities.

We're invited to move from a problem focussed perspective to a perspective that says, all tensions, all perceived problems, challenges and difficulties are symptoms of information seeking to emerge into the system.

We need to learn to see tension and conflict as natural indicators of potential, change and development. On a personal level and in organisations they are our best friends – if we know how to work with them.


Leadership now is less about managing, controlling and directing people, and more about managing complexity.

We urgently need more leaders who support and encourage self-actualisation in their employees and themselves. You know that unexpected changes in market forces may be just around the corner. New competitors may suddenly appear. In the long run, a world this demanding can only be mastered by those who are centred and at the same time understand how to lead the organisation through external events with natural ease and flexibility.

Welcome to your Leadership Journey.

Leadership Journey Program

Are you ready to take a deep dive into what it means to be a leader and a mentor?
book cover

Using "Leadership in a VUCA World"

    Who is it for?
  • When you understand that how you show up as a person is more important than the leadership tools you know.
  • You understand that growing as a leader only happens outside of your comfort zone.
  • When your teams seem to be running into the same sort of problems and you wonder if there is a common cause.
  • When you want to know how to manage the challenges of this VUCA world.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is your leadership development approach?

In our Leadership Journey we look beyond the typical leadership tools. It is not learning another set of 12-rules for guaranteed leadership success, but we start with the fundamentals: you! How does your whole person express itself in your leadership practice?

Who is the Leadership Journey for?

The Leadership Journey is for those idealistic, courageous leaders who want to make a difference, and not just on the bottom line.

What is the Leadership Journey based on?

First of all, it grew out of our own journey. Furthermore, the framework builds heavily on narrative approaches of Joseph Campbell's hero's journey, mythology and archetypes, but also on the results of modern management and brain research.

Is the Leadership Journey based on holocracy, sociocracy 3.0, Liquid Organisations, Open Participatory Organisations, Teal Organisations, Viable Systems Model, Beta Codex ...?

Our leadership development program is based on the understanding of the new working environment and the assumptions that underpin all these different new governance model. In that sense is the Leadership Journey the basis of personality development that is needed for all these (and other) modern governance models.

How does the Leadership Journey compare to other leadership development courses?

In our Leadership Journey we look less at learning management tools, and more at personal developments aspects.

What are your leadership development goals?

To aid the transition of a manager to a leader and of a leader to a mentor.

Needing more mentors, our VUCA world does!Master Yoda would say.
Why leadership in a VUCA world?

Whether we like it or not, the world has changed, and a reorientation of organisational paradigms is taking place.

This new leadership paradigm is markedly different, and we can no longer use the support of old leadership models. That map does not fit the territory anymore. We simply cannot keep doing "the same, just a bit more efficient."

In this new leadership landscape, a lot more is asked of everyone, and we need leaders that can support the holistic development of their staff.


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